Search Results

Showing 1-10 of 27 results

From Affordances to Business Value – How Can Organizations Use Fog Computing to Create Business Value?

Yannick Erb
Master's Thesis 2023 95 pages English Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Abstract: Fog computing (FC) is an uprising technology emerging to solve problems arising from the usage of cloud computing (CC) in handling the large volume of data created by an increasing amount of intelligent edge devices in a timely manner. However, there are still only a few real-world implementations o...
Fog computing FC Business Value Thematic Analysis Affordance Theory

Proof of Existence als Teil eines Blockchain-basierten Open-Science-Ökosystems: Eine Momentaufnahme und Evaluation technisch-infrastruktureller Aspekte

Nicolas Bach
Bachelor's Thesis 2022 84 pages German Hochschule der Medien
Abstract: Proof of Existence (PoE) wird seit über zehn Jahren als Blockchain-basiertes Verfahren eingesetzt, um unabhängig von vertrauenswürdigen Dritten und ohne die Offenlegung von Inhalten manipulationssicher nachzuweisen, dass Dokumente oder andere Daten zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt existieren. Auch die...
Blockchain Open Science Forschungsdaten Proof of Existence OpenTimestamps Bloxberg

A Multivocal Literature Review on Decentralized Finance: Current Knowledge and Open Research Agenda

Marc Alexander Principato
Bachelor's Thesis 2022 89 pages English University of Bayreuth
Abstract: Since the emergence of blockchain technology from the world financial crisis as a decentral-ized peer-to-peer electronic cash system, financial activity on blockchains has evolved towards being more sophisticated and constituting a whole financial system. To date, this field of De-centralized Financ...
Decentralized Finance Blockchain Fintech

Wie die künstliche Intelligenz als Entscheidungsunterstützung im medizinischen Bereich fungieren kann

Severina Matkovic
Bachelor's Thesis 2022 56 pages German University of Liechtenstein
Abstract: In dieser Bachelorarbeit wird die Frage beantwortet, wie die künstliche Intelligenz als Entscheidungsunterstützung im medizinischen Bereich fungieren kann. Hierbei wird der Fokus auf die Bereiche Diabetologie, Neurologie und Neurochirurgie gelegt. Gestartet wurde mit einer Literaturanalyse, indem...
Neurologie Neurochirurgie Diabetologie Medizin Entscheidungsunterstützung künstliche Intelligenz

Offline Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Driving

Pascal Schindler
Bachelor's Thesis 2021 67 pages English Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB)
Abstract: Current online reinforcement algorithms struggle to utilize large and diverse datasets. In contrast, offline reinforcement learning algorithms offer an efficient solution for this problem. This paves the way for data-driven reinforcement learning. With the help of offline reinforcement learning algo...
Reinforcement Learning Offline Reinforcement Learning AI ML Autonomous Driving

Anforderungen an Cloud-Rechenzentren

Scott Thiebes
Bachelor's Thesis 2021 55 pages German University of Cologne
Abstract: Cloud-Computing ist ein aufstrebendes neues Paradigma in der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung. Es könnte das Potential besitzen große Teile der IT-Branche zu verändern und zu beeinflussen, wie Computer-Hardware zukünftig gestaltet und beschafft wird. Trotz der wachsenden Beliebtheit dieses neuen Pa...
cloud computing requirements analysis certification

A Thematic Analysis on Trust-Building Mechanisms in Autonomous Vehicles

Lars Martin
Master's Thesis 2022 74 pages English Karlsruhe institute of technology
Abstract: Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have a wide range of potential advantages, and they open up new transportation options. However, these advantages can only be realized if the general public accepts AVs. One of the requirements preceding acceptance is trust in such an autonomous technology, which is critica...
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Autonomous Driving Trust Autonomous Vehicles

Comparative analysis of blockchain solutions for federated machine learning in healthcare

Vinzenz Zinecker
Bachelor's Thesis 2021 45 pages English Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Abstract: As Machine Learning approaches get more sophisticated, many applications of machine learning in the healthcare sector are proposed (Mathur, 2019). However, medical data is often distributed across multiple institutions (i.e., hospitals, insurance providers etc.) and cannot be aggregated due to priva...
blockchain federated learning hyperledger fabric ethereum healthcare

Analyzing Smart Meter Data to Cluster Households for Energy Community Load Forecasting

Lucas Bleher
Bachelor's Thesis 2022 51 pages English Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Abstract: This thesis addresses how to further improve the prediction of volatile residential electricity loads in the context of energy communities. New decentralized local community concepts including renewable energy production are central components of the energy transition. An important component of thes...
Energy Communities Smart Grids Household Electricity Load Profiles

Analysis, conceptual design and implementation of a web-application providing patient-friendly aggregation and refinement of information in patient information leaflets

Tobias Dehling
Diploma Thesis 2012 159 pages English Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Abstract: Analysis, conceptual design and implementation of a web-application providing patient-friendly aggregation and refinement of information in patient information leaflets
Diploma Thesis